Tuesday January 21, 2025
Teleworked today. Same tomorrow, but have to make up my in office days on Thursday and Friday. One day I will have a fully remote position. Just have to keep apply and learning new skills....like Javascript!
Worked on a drag and drop script for the fishies on my homepage. It still needs some fine tuning, but it functions as intended.
Time to think of a new project for my site...I should probably clean things up a bit.
Animal Crossing
Still playing. Still kinda interesting? Its nice to have something to do every morning. And I have to turn on the lighthouse at the night for the next week. So thats something to do at night.
is that sad?
What about getting really into Sonic Adventure 2 Chao Garden?
Getting into modding and created this abomination.
Tweaked a few things and he is looking acceptable now.
I played this game so much as a child and remember being so ignorant on how things worked and why they happened.
I remeber interrupting a Chao evolution when I was young and being so upset. I didn't know what was happening, I didn't know how it was happening. Was it good or bad? What if I did something different?
Huh maybe this was an earlier indicator of anxiety lol.
I took one buckwheat pillow and made two Finishing up the pillowcases.